Coming Near

Hebrews 4:16

This Sunday we are glad to welcome Josef and Daniel Pavliňák to our worship service. Josef is the founder and director of In-Life, a ministry to university students in the Czech Republic and Slovakia where Daniel works as well. ICP has partnered with In-Life for many years. You can find out more about them here. We look forward to hearing more about their ministry and to hearing Josef bring us the message from God's word.  

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The Book of James - Wisdom in Suffering

James 1:1-8

This week we begin a new series in the Book of James, a letter written to the early church by one of its main leaders. Similar to the wisdom books of the Old Testament, James uses his letter to teach God's people how to live well in this world. James addresses many topics, from trials and temptations to faith and works, but always with the purpose of instructing us in how to live out our faith in practical ways. It is a challenging book, but one from which there is much to be gained.

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A Prayer for the New Year

Ephesians 1:15-23

As we begin a New Year, we look to Paul's letter to the Ephesians and his prayer for them in Chapter 1.  Paul prays specifically that they "may know him better" and in several specific ways.  May we adopt this prayer for ourselves and our church family for 2025 as we grow in our knowledge and love of God together.      

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Another Way

Another Way 

Matthew 2:1-23

This Sunday we’ll be looking at the story of the Magi from Matthew’s gospel, considering how the different character respond to the news that a new king had been born in Bethlehem.      

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Christmas Eve - God's Gift to Us

Merry Christmas! In tonight's special Christmas Eve message, follow along while we learn about God's gift to us in 4 parts - creation, fall, redemption, and fulfillment. We hope that you are able to celebrate this Christmas season with your family, friends and loved ones - while sharing this message with them.

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Advent - God is Love

John 3:16-21

We continue in the season of Advent, the time each year when the church prepares for Jesus Christ to enter the world. It is meant to be a time of reflection and repentance, of hope and joy. This year, each of the four Sundays of Advent we'll consider the different themes of the candles on the Advent wreath and explore what it means that Jesus is the source of our hope, peace, joy, and love. This week: Love   

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Advent - Jesus is our Joy

Psalm 16, Luke 2:8-11

We continue in the season of Advent, the time each year when the church prepares for Jesus Christ to enter the world. It is meant to be a time of reflection and repentance, of hope and joy. This year, each of the four Sundays of Advent we'll consider the different themes of the candles on the Advent wreath and explore what it means that Jesus is the source of our hope, peace, joy, and love. This week: Joy!   

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Advent - Jesus is our Peace

Isaiah 9:2-7, Ephesians 2:11-18

This week we continue in the season of Advent, the time each year when the church prepares for Jesus Christ to enter the world. It is meant to be a time of reflection and repentance, of hope and joy. This year, each of the four Sundays of Advent we'll consider the different themes of the candles on the Advent wreath and explore what it means that Jesus is the source of our hope, peace, joy, and love. This week: Peace.  

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Advent - Jesus is our Hope

Isaiah 40, Mark 1:1-8

This week begins the season of Advent, the time each year when the church prepares for Jesus Christ to enter the world. It is meant to be a time of reflection and repentance, of hope and joy. This year, each of the four Sundays of Advent we'll consider the different themes of the candles on the Advent wreath and explore what it means that Jesus is the source of our hope, peace, joy, and love. This week: Hope.  

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Psalm 110 - A Royal Psalm

Psalm 110

This week we return to the psalms, this collection of prayers, songs and poems that guide us in our own prayers and worship. Psalm 110 is said to have been used at the coronation of Israel's kings, assuring them of God's presence with them. But it is also the most quoted psalm in the New Testament, one consistently used in reference to Jesus and the authority given to him by the heavenly Father. This psalm has something to tell us about Jesus and what it means to see him as our king.  

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Psalm 26 - Made Innocent

Psalm 26

This week we'll be looking at Psalm 26, a psalm of lament. The psalms are full of laments; honest prayers from places of hurt and hardship where people make their complaints to God and call out to him for deliverance. As we learn how to pray, these psalms teach us important lessons about how to be open and honest with God ourselves. In Psalm 26 we see how David makes his complaint before the Lord, and how by being honest with God he is brought from a place of lament to praise.  

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The Path to Intimacy with Jesus

2 Corinthians 3:1-18

Circumstances in life – the short days and long nights of winter in Prague, the daily challenges, the latest news, or meaningless distractions can rob us of our intimacy with Jesus. We can fill the void with more activities or noise or more distractions, but eventually we’re left empty and realize something is missing. This text shows us how the new covenant – which we will celebrate in communion this Sunday – shows us the way to intimacy with Jesus, enjoying him more, and becoming more like Him. 

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Walking in the Light (1John) - Everlasting Love

John 4:7 - 5:21

As we come to the end of 1 John, we are reminded once again of the same themes the Beloved Apostle has been emphasizing throughout his letter - What do we believe about Jesus? Do we obey him? Do we love each other? How we answer these questions are good indicators of whether or not we are walking in the light of God's truth. But we're also reminded that it is God's love that comes first, and that in his great love God claims us as his children and assures us of our eternal life in him.  

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Walking in the Light (1John) - The Testimony of the Spiri

1 John 3:23 - 4:6

In his letter, John seeks to assure believers of the salvation they have received in Jesus Christ. In this week's passage, John addresses the role of the Holy Spirit in this assurance. John reminds us that not everyone who claims to be a prophet actually speaks through God's Holy Spirit, and that we are to "test the spirits to see whether they are from God" (v. 4:1). But in the end we are to be encouraged because "the one who is in [us] is greater than the one who is in the world" (v. 4:4). It is God's Spirit who lives in us, and as we look to him he will guide us as we walk in the light.. 

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Walking in the Light (1John) - Love in the Family

1 John 3:11-24

In our last passage, John emphasized our identity as God's children, reminding us of our heavenly Father's great love that has been poured out on us in Christ. In this week's passage, John reminds us again that with the love God has given us we should also love our brothers and sisters in Christ - not just by what we say, but by what we do. 

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Walking in the Light (1John) - Who We Are

1 John 2:28-3:10

One of John's main purposes in this letter is to reassure his audience. He wants them to have certainty of the things they have learned about Jesus, sin, salvation and the life of discipleship. In this week's passage, John makes his strongest appeal yet, reminding us of God's great love for us, and that in Christ, we have been made God's children. 

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Psalms - The Blessedness of Forgiveness

Psalm 32

The psalmist David declares that the one who is forgiven is in a very happy place—an enviable position. But very often, in our culture we tend to think that it’s God’s job to forgive (“To err is human, to forgive, divine.”). David instructs us in the way to forgiveness and fulness of joy. It’s only when we clearly see the seriousness of sin and the great cost of forgiveness, that we can begin to experience the joy of being forgiven by a holy God. 

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Walking in the Light (1John) - Truth & Lies

1 John 2:15-27

One of John's main purposes for writing this letter is to refute the lies that some former members of their community had been spreading, seeking to lead people astray in what they believed. John writes to remind people of the truth that they already know, and to affirm it for them once again. In particular John is concerned about the truth of Jesus Christ, knowing that what we believe about him serves as the foundation for everything else in our faith. 

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Walking in the Light (1John) - A New Old Command

1 John 2:3-14

One of 1 John's main purposes is to encourage people to walk in the light, meaning to live according to God's truth. In this week's passage, John reflects on the relationship between our love of God and our obedience to him, reminding us that our love for God can't be isolated from our love (or lack of it) for other people.

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