Unmet Expectations

Luke 24:13-35

When the Risen Christ met two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus on the first Easter they did not recognize him. They were downcast because their expectations for Jesus and what he would do had not been met. This is true for many of us in life. There is often a disconnect between what we think God should do for us and what he actually does. Yet as Jesus reminds these men, God fulfills what he has promised, and in Christ has given us all that we need. 

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A Skeptic Believes

John 20:19-31

Sometimes when our trust in Christ is tested, we are tempted to think, “if only God would ___, then I could trust him.” In Thomas’ encounter with the risen Lord Jesus, he learned that he didn’t really need what he thought he needed. And this story helps us see what we really need to move from unbelief to belief in Jesus – not only to receive forgiveness and everlasting life, but also to continue to trust him, and to help others come to faith in Christ. 

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Luke - The Best Day

Luke 23:13-49

The resurrection of Jesus Christ, three days after he was crucified, is the event that that gives us our eternal hope. It tells us that sin and death, both so prevalent in this life, do not have the final say, but the grace of God in Jesus Christ does. It is the best day! 

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Luke - Christ Crucified

Luke 23:13-49

This Sunday we'll be looking at Luke's passion narrative. Jesus's death on the cross is what his life and ministry have been building to, and it is the ultimate example of God's faithfulness to us. As Jesus takes our sin upon himself, he fullfills his mission "to seek and to save the lost" (Luke 19:10). 

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Luke - Jesus on Trial

Luke 22:66-23:25

On the night that Jesus was betrayed, he shared a meal with his disciples. It was a meal rich with symbolism and significance, pointing to God's saving work in Israel's past. Jesus also used it to point to the saving work God was about to do through him. We still take part in this meal today in remembrance of him. This Sunday we'll look at the significance of this sacrament, how we might approach the table, and how God uses it to strengthen our faith. 

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Luke - Meals to Remember

Luke 22:1-23

On the night that Jesus was betrayed, he shared a meal with his disciples. It was a meal rich with symbolism and significance, pointing to God's saving work in Israel's past. Jesus also used it to point to the saving work God was about to do through him. We still take part in this meal today in remembrance of him. This Sunday we'll look at the significance of this sacrament, how we might approach the table, and how God uses it to strengthen our faith. 

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Luke - Today Salvation has come to this House

Luke 19:1-10

Jesus's encounter with Zaccheus is another well known story unique to Luke, and it brings together several different themes that run through this gospel. There were many barriers to God in Zaccheus's life, but Jesus calls him by name and declares that salvation has come to this house this very day.

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Luke - Lost and Found

Luke 15

One of the most well-known of Jesus parables, there is something for everyone in the story of the prodigal son. At the heart of Jesus's teachings here is the heart of our loving Father for his lost children, you and me included. 

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Luke - What Are You Worried About?

Luke 12:13-34

One of the themes that comes up regularly in Luke's Gospel is wealth and what we are to do with it. In this parable unique to Luke's gospel, Jesus warns his listeners against the temptations of greed and the futility of chasing material wealth in this life. Instead, he reminds his disciples of God's great love and generosity, and to put their trust in his provision instead. 

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Luke - Who is my Neighbor?

Luke 10:25-37

The first part of Luke's gospel spends a lot of time exploring the questions "Who is Jesus?" and "What did he come to do?". Luke chapter 9 serves as a point of transition in Jesus' ministry as he begins to move toward Jerusalem and the cross. But as he does he confronts us with the question we each have to answer for ourselves - "But what about you? Who do you say that I am?". 

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Luke - Jesus Revealed

Luke 9:18-22, 28-36

The first part of Luke's gospel spends a lot of time exploring the questions "Who is Jesus?" and "What did he come to do?". Luke chapter 9 serves as a point of transition in Jesus' ministry as he begins to move toward Jerusalem and the cross. But as he does he confronts us with the question we each have to answer for ourselves - "But what about you? Who do you say that I am?". 

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Service Standard

Mark 6:30-44

The feeding of the 5,000 is the only one of Jesus' many miracles that is recorded in all 4 Gospels. This week, we will take a very different look at the narrative. We will not focus on the miracle, nor the boy who offered the loaves and fish. Instead, we will delve into how Jesus uses the situation to teach the disciples a lesson about the service standard he expects of them. This same service standard he expects of us also.  

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Luke - Ethics of the Kingdom

Luke 6:17-49

In Luke 6 Jesus delivers his 'Sermon on the Plain' where he gives much of his ethical teaching in this gospel. Jesus describes for his listeners some of what it looks like to be his disciple. Not surprisingly, much of what he says runs counter to what his audience would have expected (and what we might want to hear), leaving us with the challenge to love others in the same way God has loved us in Christ.  

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Luke - Let Down Your Nets

Luke 5:1-11

As Jesus embarks on his formal ministry in, he quickly gains a following by people drawn to his teaching and miraculous healings and works. In this passage Jesus begins to call his first disciples and we see how their encounter with him, experiencing both his mighty power and gracious provision, changed the purpose and direction of their lives.  

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Luke - Common Temptations

Luke 3:21-22, 4:1-13

Just before beginning his public ministry, two significant events occur in Jesus's life: his baptism and his time in the wilderness. Both are important in preparing him for ministry, and both continue to reveal to us just who this Jesus is.  

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Luke - Growing in Wisdom

Luke 2:41-52

As we continue to look at Luke's gospel, we come to a passage this week that is unique in all of the accounts of Jesus's life as it shares an episode from his boyhood. As the young Jesus attends the passover with his parents, we catch a glimpse of the ways he already understands who he truly is and what he has come to do.  

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Waiting for Good News

 Luke 1:5-45

As we begin the season of Advent this Sunday we turn to a well known passage from the prophet Isaiah.  Isaiah 61 tells about the mission of the coming Messiah and the great liberation he will bring to God's people.  It raises the question of how Israel would have received it so long ago, and how do we receive it as God's people today? It's a passage that gives us great hope in this life, and one that Jesus claims for himself in the Gospel of Luke. 

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Waiting for Good News

IsAiah 61

As we begin the season of Advent this Sunday we turn to a well known passage from the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah 61 tells about the mission of the coming Messiah and the great liberation he will bring to God's people. It raises the question of how Israel would have received it so long ago, and how do we receive it as God's people today? It's a passage that gives us great hope in this life, and one that Jesus claims for himself in the Gospel of Luke. 

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The Living Church: Summing It Up

Acts 2:42-47, 1 Timothy 6:11-12

We finish our sermon series this week on The Living Church, considering what it means to live as God's people in the world, and how we are to do it together as the body of Christ. What are the qualities of a church that is alive?  This Sunday we'll look back over what we've covered, along with some instructions Paul gave to Timothy regarding the life of discipleship that remain relevant to Christ's followers today. 

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The Living Church: Prayer

Luke 18:1-14

We continue in our sermon series this week on The Living Church, considering what it means to live as God's people in the world, and how we are to do it together as the body of Christ. What are the qualities of a church that is alive?  This Sunday we'll be looking at two of Jesus's parables as we consider prayer and it's importance in the life of the church. 

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