Pathways to Knowing God and Making Him Known - The Path of Prayer

Prayer is the life line that connects a believer to the presence, power and person of God, and yet it is often misunderstood, and neglected.  Here are some good questions about prayer.

What is the purpose of prayer?

How are we to pray?

Why do some prayers seem to be unanswered?

How important is prayer?

How did Jesus pray?

This week on our Pathways series we will explore what Jesus has to teach us about the incredible privilege and power of Prayer.  Please join us in person or online this week as we explore the Scriptures together and have a time praying together as well.

We have a Resource Guide below to help you develop your time with the Lord and to equip you to seek Biblical revelation and guard against projecting our thoughts onto our understanding of Scripture.  Click on the link in the section below to download the Pathways Scripture Exploration Guide.

Join us this week as as we walk the Pathway of Prayer, on the Pathway to Knowing God and Making Him Known!