Still Not Ashamed

We are glad to welcome Avi Snyder to the pulpit this Sunday, good friend of ICP's own Mastona Khalilova. Avi currently serves as the European Ambassador of Jews for Jesus. He came to faith in Jesus in 1977 with the help of a Jews for Jesus tract and the forthright witness of Christian friends. (more about Avi at the end of the description)

Romans 1:15-16

In his epistle to the Romans, the Apostle Paul wrote, “So, for my part, I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome.  For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:15-16).” In those two brief verses, Paul tells all of us who are sincere followers of Yeshua (Jesus) at least five crucial truths. He tells us what we must proclaim (the Gospel); he tells us how we must proclaim (without shame); he tells us why we must proclaim (because only the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation); he tells us to whom we must proclaim (to the Jew first and also to the Greek); and he tells us when we must proclaim –now (with eagerness).  

 After pioneering the work of Jews for Jesus in Ukraine and Russia, Avi and his wife Ruth launched the German and Hungarian works of the ministry as well. Avi received his theological training from Fuller Theological Seminary, the School of World Mission, and he’s written two books: Jews Don’t Need Jesus – and Other Misconceptions, and Never Ashamed – Stories of Sharing Faith with Scoffers and Skeptics. You can feel Avi's passion for Jewish evangelism in Central and Eastern Europe when he says, “For us Jews to proclaim God’s message of eternal life in the countries where so many of us died – that’s a redemption of history. That’s life from the dead” (Romans 11:15). For more information, click here.

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